The first step in the research process is focusing your Family History goals. Spend some time thinking about exactly what you want us to accomplish. This will help speed things along and reduce your costs. Then contact us to discuss the goals for your research. After we both have a clear understanding of how to proceed, we will develop a research plan, give you an estimate of how many hours it will take to accomplish the goal and what will be involved. If the goal is extensive (20+ hours) we will break the research down into smaller segments so that you have more control over the research process.
The research we need to do and how long it will take can very widely. If your ancestor lived in a populated area and was active in their community, they may have left many records behind. If they lived a mile off of the main road on the border between two counties and preferred a solitary lifestyle, records will be less plentiful and more of a challenge. But our researchers are up to the challenge! Read more about them here.
It is our goal to be in communication with you throughout the research project. We will never go over the time you have allotted without contacting you to discuss our progress and to get your permission to proceed. Remember, you are in control!
What you will receive

Depending on the situation, you will probably get a research report at the end of every segment and definitely at the end of the research project. The research report will contain a summary of our findings and be followed by a detailed report where the findings will be supported by evidence and our knowledge of the environment where your ancestor lived. The report will contain a list of citations of where the evidence was found so that you or another researcher can find those documents. Digital images of the most important documents will be included in the report. If they are too numerous, you will be given a link to a website where you can download copies of all documents in the report.
All of our services will be done for our hourly rate. There will be no extra charge for mileage, copies, parking, or any other business expense. If an unforeseen expense arises, you will be contacted in advance to gain your permission before we proceed.
Contact us today to begin your Family History Journey!