Look Who I Found!

Every one of us wants to feel like we matter.  That was confirmed by a man named Maslow about seventy five years ago.  I like the way Simply Psychology describes the need for self esteem as having “the respect of others, the need to be a unique individual.”   That is exactly what learning your family’s history can do for you-introduce you to the important people in your family!

About this time you are thinking, “there are no famous people in my family.”  To that I would say you don’t have to be famous to be important and you don’t know if they are famous or important until you meet them. Meeting them requires learning your family’s history.

Important But Not Famous

Take for example some of the clients I was researching for recently.  One of them had a grandfather who endured the winter at Valley Forge during the American Revolution.  Another invented a boat especially for clearing logs from the river and had a city named after him.  Still another had multiple ancestors who each helped found major cities in New England.  If I told you their names, you would have no idea who they were, but their ancestors made our lives better. Each of these clients found important family members!

Each of us has important family that came before us, people that made a difference and made our lives better.  Knowing who these people were and the contributions they made gives us a sense of pride that they are part of our family and gratitude for the contribution they made!

If researching your family’s history sounds like an overwhelming task, or you want to know more but your life is to full as it is, we can help.  Heroes of the Past can help you get started or complete the research for you.  Contact us to learn how today!

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