Family Traditions that last across generations can bring our family's together and give a sense of family pride.

The Past Becomes the Future

The Past Becomes the Future Weve already talked about how learning about our family’s history can help us feel grounded and give us a sense of belonging to a larger family.  But what about the future?  We know it’s important to pass those stories on to our children, but how do we make those practices […]

Women have made important contributions to our history that have gone unnoticed because of little men

The Forgotten Female

The Forgotten Female History is full of blunders that hopefully turn into lessons.  One of those is the lack of recognition women have been regarded through time.  Even as late as the 1950s most women didn’t hold office, become business professionals, or otherwise engage in the business or political world.  One that gets me was

Grandfather helping Grandson discover his family story. Family history is important for children.

Who’s Your Granddaddy?

Who’s Your Granddaddy? A sense of belonging is important for all of us, as can be seen in this previous post, but it’s especially important for children.  As can be seen in this article in The Guardian, knowing their family history is beneficial for kids.  Besides what scientists tell us, a child not knowing who

Ben Franklin pondering what to do with a smart phone


Gratitude Discovering family history, whether mine or a client’s, consistently makes me grateful for what I have.   I am often amazed at what people two hundred years ago accomplished when they had so little.  Ancestors who moved hundreds of miles to a new place with very few people, and not only survived, but raised a

This family's tradition was to cut the ends off the ham because Grandma's pan was too short!

Why Do We Do That?

Why Do We Do That? Long ago I heard a story about a family traditions that I’ve never forgotten.  A mother and her young daughter were helping to prepare the family’s Thanksgiving meal.  They were tasked with cooking the ham.  The first thing the mother did was remove the ham from the package and remove

Learning about your family's history can make you aware of potential health risks before they become a problem

Healthy and Happy in 2025

Healthy and Happy in 2025 Discovering your family history can tell you about your health history.  Many of the resources we use when researching our family’s history can give us information about our ancestor’s health as well as our potential for developing certain diseases. DNA One of the best known is DNA testing.  Many DNA

Finding her Family Mysteries!

Your Mystery Awaits!

Your Mystery Awaits! Everyone loves a good mystery.  The drama, the sense of adventure, exciting surprises, they get your heart pumping and make you feel alive!  A review of Rotton Tomatoes best TV shows for 2025 show that at least half offer some form of intrigue or mystery.  NCIS, one of my favorites, has been

Helping You Helps Me

Helping You Helps Me I know, it’s the opposite of the way they say it on TV, but for us, that’s the way it really works.  One of the great things about researching your family’s history is that your constantly “paying it forward.”  We don’t really think about it, but all those searches we do

What’s in it For Me?

What’s in it For Me? You may have been wondering, while reading a series on the benefits of discovering your family history, “what has it done for you?”  I’m glad you asked. Like most, I have some heroes and some villains in my family.  I try to concentrate on the heroes, learning only from the

Look Who I Found!

Look Who I Found! Every one of us wants to feel like we matter.  That was confirmed by a man named Maslow about seventy five years ago.  I like the way Simply Psychology describes the need for self esteem as having “the respect of others, the need to be a unique individual.”   That is exactly

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