Exercise That Brain

Family History will exercise your brain and can prevent mental diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's

WebMD tells us that the world’s population is aging, so fast that by 2050 they estimate there will be over 2 billion people over the age of 60.  With aging there is increased risk of mental health diseases, including depression, anxiety, and Alzheimer’s disease.  Fortunately, doctors tell us there is a drug free way of combating these diseases, exercising your brain!

While your brain is not a muscle, it benefits from being used, much like exercise builds muscles.  Studies show that learning new things and solving problems are good for aging mental health.

Family History to the Rescue!

While there are several activities that would accomplish this, learning your family history fits it to a tee.  Activities that are required for successful family history research are just what the doctor ordered!

Take for example learning new things.  In family history it is essential to learn about the place your ancestor lived.  Where did they live, what was the climate like, how much money did they have, what events were they involved in, all these things help us get to know our ancestors but also involve concentration, exercising our memories, and thinking “outside the box.”

Confidence Booster

When we learn new things about our ancestors, it gives you a little confidence boost.  To put it another way, regularly making new discoveries can combat the popular myth that your brain function automatically gets worse as you age.  If you have an ancestor that served during the War of 1812 or fought at the Battle of Brandywine, imagine your grandkids surprise that you know details of those events that they never learned about!

Now is the time to get up off that couch and turn off the TV!  Learn about your family that came before you, where they lived, what they did, and the sacrifices they made.  Read about the places they lived and the events that went on when and where they lived and exercise that brain!

If you or a loved one needs help getting started or is feeling overwhelmed, we can help.  Heroes of the Past offers coaching sessions, both in person and virtually, to help you begin your family history journey and increase mental health.  Check us out at www.HeroesofthePast.com or contact us here.

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